Men Become Bald Sooner Than Women
1Statistics show that more men experience hair loss in their lives than women do. Losing one's hair affects self-confidence and maybe leads to emotional trauma. Almost every man chooses to hide as a solution, but hair loss is not the situation that your hideaway. There are some procedures to bring back your head full of bouncy hairs and of course, also bring back your self-confidence. The woman also affects hair loss, but the pattern is different; they do not become bald completely like men, but their hairs become extremely thin and less. In other words, you can also say that women are just better at hiding it instead of men. Apart from gender everyone loses her daily up to 100 strands, and then they grow back again and again but eventually, men will start noticing that they are losing hairs and they are not growing back that is the time they should go for hair and scalp treatment to overcome the problem. Don’t be depressed or insecure about your physical look whenever you look at the mirror just remember that more than half of men aged 50 or older had fewer hairs on their heads. Every four out of five men at the age of 70 face hair loss problems. There are several reasons for baldness in men; let’s review some of it.
Hair loss affects 70% of men and 40% of women in their lifetime. There is quite a big difference between men and women, but there is a sensible reason behind it. There is a hormone called androgenic alopecia triggered by your parent's genes you got from them. Doctors cannot figure out why this happens to the most man that they suffered from the same patterns of hair loss. In the beginning, it starts with thinning of the hairline above your forehead and crown, men are constantly producing testosterone throughout their lives and they are also producing DHT that is the main reason for men's baldness other than women who do not have that type of hormones which cause baldness.
Other reasons:
There are some other reasons too that cause sudden hair fall instead of gradually thinning over time.
- Diseases like anemia and thyroid.
- Insufficient balance diet like lack of iron and vitamin A.
- Scalp infection.
- Chemotherapy and radiation for cancer patients cause sudden hair fall.
- Depression and stress.
- Over styling and tight ponytails and braids.
Hair loss in young men:
Some men may suffer hair loss at a young age; the only reason behind it is the level of the hormones. The increase of testosterone hormone is the common cause; it may starts in their teens or maybe in their twenties, and even if their family tree does not have a male pattern baldness gene. The boost of this hormone causes shrinkage of follicles.
Depression or shock:
Unexpected or massive weight loss physical or emotional trauma and surgeries may also be the reason for hair loss.
Infections and ringworms, dandruff, the itching scalp also cause hair fall, but this is not the permanent condition once it is solved the hair will come back with all its glory.
Slow down the procedure:
There are some authentic ways to slow down the procedure of baldness. Nothing can fully cure your baldness, but it can slow it down. Some shampoos claim to be the best for hair fall, but they are not more than just a waste of money.
Through Medication:
It is possible with finasteride (Propecia). Actually, it lowers the hormone levels lower, which is the main cause of hair fall because it shrinks the follicles that hormone is called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It slows down the hair fall about 88% and helps hair to regrow at about 66%. But this is not overnight magic; it takes time, and you should be patient and constant to get better results.
Rub in liquid:
If you are too lazy to eat medicines daily, this is another option to overcome the problem. A Minoxidil liquid or foam that can be applied on your scalp. Studies show that it has a dual function that it helps to regrow as well as strong the strings you already have. This liquid has very few side effects than pills. The result shows after four months, and you should apply it twice a day on dry hair.
Hair transplant:
It is a surgical procedure to have a head full of hair. This whole procedure is all about borrowing. The area of your head which has a good number of hairs taken and plant your own hairs on the bald areas of your head. Man baldness patterns affect many peoples that’s why several men’s decided to go for a hair transplant to get positive results for sure, that is no denying that a hair transplant is an expensive procedure with certain risks. Depends upon the size of the transplant; usually, it takes around 4 to 8 hours in surgery. There is a possibility that you may need more procedures if you will again facing hair falls, or you want thicker hairs.
Expectations and post-operative care:
Post-operative care is very important to make your surgery successful. The skull becomes very tender you need to take anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief. You may go back to work after 2 to 3 days. After 2 to 3 weeks of your procedure, your transplanted hairs will also fall off but not to worry you will start noticing new hairs soon and you will have 60% of new hairs after 6 to 9 months. Doctors do recommend minoxidil tablets to support the strengthening of your hairs.
Risks and costs:
Cost depends largely on the amount of hair you are moving. But mainly it is an expensive solution only a few can afford it. Like any other surgeries it also has some risks like infections, bleeding and inflammation, some original hairs can be lose called hair shock, but all these are for some time and they are resolvable problems and not permanent.