Utilization of HVAC filters in face mask
1In this corona pandemic, people are trying to stay at home. They only stepped out for the essential tasks that they could not perform from home. Due to safety circumstances, people are covering their faces with 2-3 layer cloth or face masks. Experts have suggested the cotton filter cloth as a facemask alternative. This pandemic has affected everyone, many people have lost their job, many people have lost their lives, they do not have essential or fundamental things at their home, and they are required to live. Many helping hands came to help those people to raise their life and make them feel comfortable and confident. On the other hand, many people have shared the essential videos about how to make the face mask at home on your own, they have also shared the clips to make sanitizing tools with HEPA filters. A lot of questions and rumors are roaming around to know if HVAC filters worth the facemask manufacturing.
To examine the reliability, quality, and performance of HEPA filters scientists have performed different tests to examine how efficiently they can trap the pollutants and dust agents. If the material can prevent viruses and seasonal infections or not. Reports have declared that HEPA filters can be used for the facemask.
Are they breathable?
Facemasks are feasible while they don’t make you feel suffocating and don’t affect your lifestyle. If people don’t feel comfortable wearing masks and feeling uncomfortable in breathing, a face mask will not work. If air can’t transmit through the material, you can’t utilize this for face mask manufacturing. After the tests, HEPA filters are considered as breathable materials.
Secure and safe?
Our face makes an impact on our personality as it is the most noticeable part of our physical appearance. Whenever we think to try any new type of skincare product and material it becomes a matter of concern. The same thing applies to masks too as the mask is so close to our face inappropriate material will influence your respiratory system. It's A prior thing to check whether the face mask material is safe for human health or not. With the amazing air-purifying quality, HEPA filters have certified on this factor too.
Flexibility and compatibility
After being certified on three important measures like safety, standards, breathing, and comfort, the last thing that became the topic of discussion was its design and flexibility. 1. Is the HEPA flexible according to the face mask structure? 2. Is HEPA filters can be shaped in the face mask or how long will it be sustained? The HEPA filters are made of two materials which makes the HEPA filters rigid, and durable. It can be the combination of non-woven dust collecting attributes and the stiff PET. Fiberglass filter bag material is not adaptable material from different facts. It is not as flexible as the shape of the face mask. Along with this, Pleated filters are also not a suitable way to make the face mask. If you will try to fold the mask it can break too soon. __________________________________________________________________
Author: Bio My Name is Heather Rasodo, I am from the UK, I had done my master in marking field I had worked with different famous US, the UK based companies, I have almost 10 years of experience as a fashion industry company with Mjacket., I also engage in sales prospecting for the company, conducting market research within specific geographic areas, and reaching out to potential clients.