How has education evolved from past to present?


Since the beginning of this world, everything has continued to evolve. Nothing is the same as before. Although primary education is the major source of knowledge that has helped us to evolve over the period of time but education its self as well has evolved into an entirely new spectrum. Such was the need of the hour and part of a never-ending process.

Following are the thing that has made education evolved from past to present:

  • Different time and different place

As the education evolves so will the education. Students will have more opportunity to learn in different places and at a different time. With various apps that offer online features enabling the students to study and the teachers to each at their ease and convenience. Teachers will teach the students theoretical part outside the classroom by giving them real time examples. The practical part will be taught inside the class for promoting interactive learning.


  • Adaptive learning

With the technology getting advanced day by day various online apps are now available which can benefit both student and teachers. Every child is different and requires a different amount of time and attention to reach a certain level. It is very important that we develop and understand the needs of the child before we start to teach them. With the apps, available teacher can easily determine the level that each child needs to undertake before reaching a particular level.

  • Freedom to choose

Every student has a different approach and understanding to reach a particular level. How one reaches that level will now be determined by the students themselves. Students cannot only select their own courses but they can also determine their own methods which sound most convenient and appropriate to them. This will enable the child to learn with much more interest and do a better research on the issue which will result in better understanding of the matter.

  • Developing critical thinking

Students no have to focus on more towards project-based learning rather than general learning for all. With project based learning children have to adopt new strategies and approaches to develop and understand the working of the project. This initiates critical thinking capabilities in them which enable to them to judge the situation before suggesting a proper solution to it. This will particularly help them in real life where textbook scenario do not exists and each scenario requires different implementation of ways and techniques that have been learned in school.

  • Practical learning

Previously we use to see that what students use to learn was entirely in their classrooms based on what their teachers were teaching them. There was no or very less practical seen or conducted by students which can show them the practical implementation of what they have learned. Schools now focus not only on theoretical learning but on the practical learning as well. Practical learning enables students to think critically on the issue of developing their own understanding and analysis based on what they have learned.


  • Data Interpretation

Previously more attention was given on attainment of data which offered very limited use due to many reasons. Gathering data was considered to be a very tiring and important task. Now in this era of technology where everything is at our finger tips gathering data is no more  a concern in fact focus has now been shifted on effective analysis of the data. Now data can be analyzed in a number of ways. They can help the business see their progress; it can help in predicting future and provide a number of ways to bring betterment. No matter which sector is it, data interpretation is helpful in all fields. Whether we talk about the business industry or look into the medical and commerce sector, data interpretation is highly valuable everywhere.


  • Exams will change completely

As we look back we can easily see that the exams were conducted in a different manner. Bookish learning was focused and more importance was given to simple questions and answers. Today, things have been changed completely. Open book exams, multiple choice questions, and case studies are now preferred for evaluating students. Today, teachers focus on practical learning rather than bookish knowledge. Teachers ask students to go into the practical world and implement their knowledge.

Author’s Bio

James Alee is a mentor of Science in the University of America. He is also a student’s counselor and has written various books.


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