How important is the respect for teachers in the classroom?
1In comparison to other professions, the profession of teaching is great. It is due to the fact that the service that the teacher gives deserves infinite respect. They actually help us to know what is good and what is bad. Teachers are the ones who guide us towards our career and help us in learning any skill or behavior. A few years back, it has been observed that the respect for teachers was at the peak. Anyone who taught anything to a person was respected in society. However, in the current age, the respect for teachers is gone somewhere. Today, technology is at our fingertips. As a result, students do not give that much respect to their teachers. They know that they can Google anything at any time to learn new concepts and ideas related to their subjects. But this concept is wrong. Students should know that however, they can use technology in learning things but the practical use of learning new concepts can only be understood with the help of a teacher. It is therefore important to give due respect to all our teachers.
- To Keep The Teachers Motivated
Some students think that it looks cool to disrespect the teachers, calling out names and yelling during the class lectures. Some teachers are unable to control such kind of students and as a result, they leave their job. Students should understand that these teachers have been students in their time and they can think more than we think. They are more mature and they understand society more than us. Thus, whatever they are teaching deserves respect. When teachers get respect, they feel motivated towards their profession.
- To Create A Healthy Learning Environment In Class
If teachers are teaching us something it is not just their profession. It is their passion and dedication towards spreading knowledge. When teachers see that the class is not giving them enough respect, they do not take much interest in creating creative learning activities in the classroom. Some teachers are only interested in delivering a routine lecture while others are so much active that they give new concepts to the class by arranging activities and competitions. This difference is due to the feedback they get from the class. When teachers are respected, they feel good and ultimately they take more interest in teaching new concepts to the class. Similarly, it has the same effect on the marking criteria. When teachers do not get full respect what they actually deserve, they give poor remarks which affect the overall result of the students.
- To Practice What We Learn
From primary school to graduate students, we learn one thing in common and that is to respect our elders. Not only is this, but we learn to respect our teachers as it is a sign of a good citizen. Teachers and books always teach us that a good society is the one that gives due respect to their teachers as they are an important pillar in making a society. Thus, it is highly important to respect our teachers because we have learned this thing form a very young age. We cannot deny that good and bad people are present everywhere. On one hand, teachers treat all students equally while on the other hand, some teachers do favoritism and treat some students very badly. If this is the case, we should take a mature step of talking to the management rather than disrespecting the teachers and making her feel bad.
- To Give A Token Of Thanks
Teachers have worked so hard to get this position of teaching. Before getting this position, these teachers were also students and dealing with the same situations as we are dealing at present. If a teacher overburdens the students they should talk to her after class and instead of passing bad comments they should ask for tips in completing the tasks. Students should be thankful to the teachers who give time to them. It is not just about money. They do earn good bucks but they also go out of the box just to make us learn in a better way. Thus, we should be thankful to them.
In short, if students are thankful to the teachers, life will become easier for both the teachers and the students. Respecting the teacher is necessary no matter in which grade we are and what we are learning. We should try to create a good relationship with our teachers to make a good learning environment in class.
Author’s Bio
Mick Anderson is a high school teacher. He has been in this profession since last five years and written at Custom Assignment Service Online numerous books.