1) McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica:
Well, if the driest place on earth comes into consideration, the majority would believe that it is in any hot deserted region. But not really the most driest place on earth is actually the McMurdo Dry valleys located in Antarctica. Unlike other regions of Antarctica, McMurdo is snow free valley. It has a lake called Vida and river Onyx, which is the major water source. The valleys have no rainfall throughout the year, there is no precipitation and humidity is really very low; making it the driest valley on the planet.
2) Arica, Chile:
Arica is a city in Chile, located in the region of Arica Y Parinacota, in the province of Arica. The city was founded in 1541 and now has a total population of 0.25Million inhabitants. The city has an area of 4,799.4km2 . It is a port city and has an elevation of only 2m above sea level. The metropolis is the second driest place on earth. With an annual rainfall of mere 0.761mm. The city’s location is quite significant, as it has the Pan American highway.
3) Kufra, Libya:
Kufra is a small town in the South eastern Libya. It is an oasis in the Sahara desert. The town is located in the region of Cyrenaica. It is often considered the central location of the Sahara desert. With an annual precipitation of merely 0.860millimeter it is one of the most driest regions. The town is also the also the center of Sensussi tribe, which is a Muslim Sufi political and religious tribe.
4) Aswan, Egypt:
The city is located in the Southern regions of Egypt. The city has a beautiful location, making it a major tourist attraction in Egypt for both local and international tourists. The river Nile flows through the city with its full zeal. The city is also a historical hub. It is the capital of Aswan Governorate and near the Aswan dam. The metropolitan has a population of around 0.3 million inhabitants. The weather of the city is pretty hot during the summers and quite pleasant during winters. It is one of the driest places on earth, with an annual rainfall of only 0.861mm
5) Luxor, Egypt:
The historical city of Luxor is a major tourist attraction in Egypt. Located in the Governorate of Luxor, the city has a population of almost 0.6million individuals, making a density of 1200km2 . The city has a very less area of merely 416km2 . The city is situated at an elevation of 249feet above sea level. River Nile crosses through the city. The city has many famous historical monuments. Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens are also present within the city, which are ancient valleys and a major tourist attraction in Luxor. The city has an annual rainfall of 0.862mm, that makes it the fifth driest place in the world. The weather of the city is pretty hot during the summers and average cold during winters.
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